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Inmate Michael Gaines Curses Out Judge And District Attorney In Court

Michael Gaines was sentenced to 13 years in prison about an hour after he was led out of the courtroom, still hurling obscenities at the judge and a prosecutor.

When District Judge Rebecca Pilshaw gave Gaines the chance to speak at his sentencing, he commenced an obscenity-laced outburst at Pilshaw and Assistant District Attorney Kevin O'Connor.

After a few minutes, Gaines was escorted from the courtroom and was later sentenced by Pilshaw via a televised hearing.

Gaines, who is HIV positive, was convicted of battery for spitting in the faces of two sheriff's deputies while in the Sedgwick County Jail.


NasBooks Kizel said...

I can watch this video a million times and still get the same reaction. Crazy! Who the hell is running the courts these days?!

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