FOX Attacks brings on racist guests. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson insidious attempt to lend credence to their racial prejudice. And despite Barack Obama’s historic election, the network continues to smear the President and black America with the same kind of hateful rhetoric seen throughout the election cycle.
On Sean Hannity’s show, Peterson said, “I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people.” Now, Hannity pretended to be shocked by Peterson’s words, but as News Hounds noted, Hannity has had Peterson on the show repeatedly over the years to spout similar bigotry. In December of 2006, for instance, Peterson told Hannity, “Racist blacks have the freedom of expression when it comes to the issue of race and morality… but white folks are made to be quiet and not even mention race.” How did Hannity reply to Peterson during that segment? He merely said, “Always love having you,” and that he was proud to be on the advisory board of Peterson’s organization, BOND Action.
Of course, after Hannity feigned offense this past week, he and Peterson quickly segued into a conversation as to whether Hannity will be considered racist simply for being a white critic of Obama. Then, Hannity gave Peterson the last word, which turned into a racially-loaded rant about socialism and religion. “[Voting is] based on race, and it’s that Democrat ‘Take care of me’ mentality,” Peterson said. “You’ve had most of the black preachers voting for him, and I say that there is no way that you could believe in God and vote for a person like Barack Obama… He’s going to take away from those willing to work hard and give to those willing to work.”
FOX Attacks brings on racist guests. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson insidious attempt to lend credence to their racial prejudice. And despite Barack Obama’s historic election, the network continues to smear the President and black America with the same kind of hateful rhetoric seen throughout the election cycle.
On Sean Hannity’s show, Peterson said, “I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people.” Now, Hannity pretended to be shocked by Peterson’s words, but as News Hounds noted, Hannity has had Peterson on the show repeatedly over the years to spout similar bigotry. In December of 2006, for instance, Peterson told Hannity, “Racist blacks have the freedom of expression when it comes to the issue of race and morality… but white folks are made to be quiet and not even mention race.” How did Hannity reply to Peterson during that segment? He merely said, “Always love having you,” and that he was proud to be on the advisory board of Peterson’s organization, BOND Action.
Of course, after Hannity feigned offense this past week, he and Peterson quickly segued into a conversation as to whether Hannity will be considered racist simply for being a white critic of Obama. Then, Hannity gave Peterson the last word, which turned into a racially-loaded rant about socialism and religion. “[Voting is] based on race, and it’s that Democrat ‘Take care of me’ mentality,” Peterson said. “You’ve had most of the black preachers voting for him, and I say that there is no way that you could believe in God and vote for a person like Barack Obama… He’s going to take away from those willing to work hard and give to those willing to work.”
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